Bridging Loans
If you need a short-term funding option, bridging loans may be perfect for you. Bridging loans are intended for people who need short-term access to money to complete the purchase of a new property prior to the sale of the existing home. Basically, it is a simple short-term loan to “bridge the gap” in pressing circumstances.
However, its convenience has a trade-off—a higher interest rate than regular loans. If you are up for a bridging loan, you must be ready for costs of up to 1.5% per month which could add up to effectively 18% a year.
While bridging loans may look like a quick solution to your borrowing problems, you need to carefully think it through before going ahead. If the sale of your existing home is very delayed, or you cannot sell your house for the price you need, you may find yourself in financial difficulty and this might affect your ability to obtain normal mortgage loan in future.
It is important that you seek expert financial advice before signing up for a bridging loan. Make sure you understand its benefits, as well as the costs. If you wish to talk to a 3Carrots mortgage broker to know more about bridging loans, please call 0434390688 or email